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Thursday, February 23, 2012

The love hate relationship with convenience food

 We are over halfway through our night shift job, and sometimes it seems like we just started. The days have been a blur of school work, house work, cooking, cleaning...and then spending the evenings proof reading. It seems like we have been running on full speed for the past two months. Even though Sweet Man and I have had very little down time, it just seems like we can't get it all done. There is still trash in the yard from where the dog decided to look for her own breakfast, after I forgot to feed her that morning. :-o Books lined up in the school room that I was planning on reading to the girls. Craft projects jotted down that I would like to try in my "spare" time, blogs to write, trails to run, and a garage project that Sweet Man and I started and haven't had the time to finish.

In order to be able to do some of the more exciting things on my to do list, I have been searching for ways to tackle the daily chores just a little bit better. I spend over half of my day in the kitchen. Although it is a lovely kitchen, I am plumb tired of staring at the same spot out the window while I cook, clean and prepare meals. Convenience foods have been on the back of my mind a lot lately, and I have really thought about forgoing all the homemade stuff for some good ole prepackaged meals that can just be thrown in the oven on a whim. I know they are loaded with preservatives, and perhaps a few other not so nice things, and they would totally blow my grocery budget, but come one they are so....CONVENIENT!.

The other day a friend posted on her Face Book wall how she was stocking her freezer with homemade goodies that could be cooked and frozen, to be eaten at a later time. Yes! That's it! Spend a day in the kitchen baking oodles of yummy things that can be popped in the oven on a whim. Not only is this cheaper, and keeps my grocery budget in check, it's healthier since I get to pick the ingredients.

Yesterday I worked on our breakfast menu for the freezer. I baked 3 different types of muffins, waffles, bread, and energy sustaining breakfast bars.

There is also another plus to this whole scenario...the major part of dish washing will be done on that day instead of every morning after a batch of muffins or pancakes were baked.
Which is a great thing, because who wants to tackle a mess like this everyday? 

This morning has proven to be very stress free. The girls just went to the freezer and grabbed their waffles and popped them in the toaster. Me? I actually had time to write a blog. 

Now if I could just figure out how to stock up on washing laundry and teaching school. ;-)

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