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Friday, October 22, 2010

A good day despite the evidence

So today was one of those days that you just think is going terribly wrong, but when you get to look back at it you realize it was just what you needed. On my way to co-op this morning I was praying (with my eyes open of course, I was driving ya know) that the Lord would just help the day to go smoothly, the teachers and helpers would show up, and for Him to just make it a stellar of a day. As soon as I finish my conversation with God my cell phone rings, only I can't find the thing because I have TWO jackets on and pants with pockets and in my haste to get out the door I couldn't remember which pocket I deemed appropriate for a cell phone. After it goes to voice mail, and I swerve into the other lane a bit (remember me and technology don't mix well) I find the thing. It was the Pastor calling to let me know that the road directly in front of the church is CLOSED!!  I immediately start doing these breathing exercises that are supposed to reduce stress, and let me tell you I have never done an exercise that relieves stress! I immediately question the Lord as to how this is supposed to be a stellar day.?? Oh ye of little faith...that should be my nickname I believe. We had a late start, but I tell you what, a home schooling  Mama that has taken the effort to get her kids dressed and pack a lunch will not let a little thing like a closed road deter them from their destination. I saw one Mom take advantage of her 4-wheel drive to totally bypass the road, several parked at an adjacent ball field and walked, and others found an alternate route. We enjoyed coffee and conversation together and then had combined classes. As I was enjoying my lunch and some great conversation with friends and a cute little girl who kept eying my cookies in my lunch bag, I look over and see Hope getting ready to toss her cookies...LITERALLY. I loaded my crew up as fast and one possibly can when they don't even know where 2 members of their crew are, and we headed home as fast as we could. As soon as we get home she throws up on the only floor in the house that I took the time to mop this week. Even in her discomfort she looks up and me and says "Mama, I'm sorry I made such a mess for you".  In that moment I look at her and realize I need to make more of an effort to show these girls that they mean way more to me than a clean house and material things. With all that being know I was a mopping fool after that! :-)


  1. Kristen,
    Rest assured you are not the only mom that has had revelations like that! I am still learning myself how to mother and my oldest is 18!!! But with each new day and by God's grace, I am slowly( and I do mean slowly!!) learning! Despite the plans that WE have, God always has a better plan. And I do believe everything happened yesterday for a reason! Yesterday turned out beautifully and I'm sure I was not the only mom there that needed that "coffee and conversation" time! Even though yesterday was rough at first, it turned out to be a fulfilling day. You are an awesome mom and you and Sheri have done a wonderful job with co-op! I thank God for leading us your way!!!
